Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies
The Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies initiative has long been committed to improving maternal and infant health through education and collaboration. Those who have been part of the network have worked tirelessly to promote public awareness and education around maternal and newborn health issues with a rich history of success and impact.
We are honored to continue this work at a national level by bringing the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies brand and network to families across the nation. We look forward to building out a strategic approach to support and strengthen the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babiesnetwork and to supporting the local-based coalitions.

Discover, Learn and Engage with Us
We are dedicated to ensuring families have access to information and resources they need when they need it.
The following quick links highlight prenatal and postpartum resources providing critical information on how to support and advance improved outcomes for mothers and their children.
COVID-19 Resources Pregnancy and the COVID-19 Vaccine
- COVID-19 and pregnancy
- COVID-19 and infant feeding
- COVID-19 and new moms
- COVID-19 Vaccines and pregnancy
- Material Immunization Quick Guide
Prenatal Nutrition
- Prenatal Nutrition 101
- The Pregnant Woman's Guide to Seafood
- Guide to Communicating the Benefits of Fish and Seafood in Pregnancy
- Folic Acid and Pregnancy
- Things to Limit or Avoid During Pregnancy
Preterm Birth
- Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance
- Frequently Asked Questions on Preterm Birth
- Premature Babies (March of Dimes)
- 2021 Prematurity Report Card (March of Dimes
You can also learn more about what we are currently reading to help support and advance healthy mothers and healthy babies.
Pregnant Women with COVID-19 Face Higher Rates of Severe Illness and Preterm Birth. Why Are so Few Vaccinated?
Experts suggest that many expectant moms are hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine due to a lack of trust in the medical establishment and difficulty assessing risk. Learn more about what providers can do to educate expectant moms about the vaccine at Boston Global.
Devastating Impact of COVID on Pregnancy Highlighted by Large UCSF Study
According to a new study in California, pregnant women who are infected with the coronavirus are at significantly higher risk for adverse birth outcomes. Read more about the study, its findings, and what we can do to protect pregnant women at the San Francisco Chronicle.
Medicaid Expansion: Providing Long-Term Care to New Mothers:
Maternal mortality rates in the United States continue to grow, with widening disparities in outcomes for Black, Indigenous, People of Color. A relatively large share of pregnancy-related deaths occurs in the postpartum period. In 2014, the Affordable Care Act expanded Medicaid access to low-income adults, and many states increased coverage options for women in the postpartum period.
This blog post from SWHR explores the implications of the Medicaid program for maternal health and where policy currently stands.
'Echoes of the Past': Study Points to Redlining as a Factor to Premature Birth
A new study in published in JAMA Network Open suggests red-lining, a government-backed practice that segregated neighborhoods and encouraged disinvestment in minority communities, has contributed to the disproportionate preterm birth rates between Black and white women. Read more at U.S. News.
Telehealth Offers Relief for Prenatal Care and Newborn Health
A typical pregnancy requires 10 to 15 visits to the doctor's office. With the adaption of telehealth, these in-person visits can be reduced by half. Telehealth has provided opportunities to expand care for families. Learn more about how families have used telehealth during the pandemic at HealthTeach.
We are excited to be a founding member of the Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance, a coalition of maternal and women's health advocates who share a common concern about the state of preterm birth in the United States.
Join our efforts
We look forward to collaborating with other passionate individuals and advocacy organizations in fighting for a more inclusive healthcare system because women and babies deserve and can expect more. We are developing networks for sharing information about improving the health of mothers and babies. Have questions or want to join our efforts? Contact Natasha Bonhomme at [email protected]
Have questions?
Contact Natasha Bonhomme at [email protected]